Truth Facts




Abandoned Villages and Towns

There are places on this planet where the disappearance of large groups of people can’t be explained. What happened to these people and where did they go? In 1987 a village full of people disappeared, in was located in Shaanxi province, China. It has been said no one in China was allowed to talk about the disappearance. These people in this village lived in the Qinling mountains. Besides the people who disappeared overnight, which was everyone, so did every living thing such as pets and livestock. Did aliens come down and scoop up everyone, maybe not. At least one person reported on seeing army trucks in the area. We are talking about over 1,000 people. It is hard to find out much about this but it is said it is somehow tied in with something named Operation Night Cat. The town was said to have been named Niangziguan Town.

A town’s population disappeared without a trace from the state of Iowa in 1928. Its name was Urkhammer. It was a small mid-western town which had no indication anything was wrong. This is truly very strange. A plane had flown over the town and noticed everything was overgrown and no one could be seen. That is not the strangest part of the story. A man driving through the town said he stopped for gas and after filling up went on his way only to notice he didn’t really get any gas. Thinking he was ripped off he drove back toward the town, but said no matter how far he got the town stayed in the distance and he could never reach it. It was long before people began to report the town was abandoned. Witnesses stated they could see parts of the town disappearing before their eyes. Others claimed they got to the town but when they tried to enter a building their feet would just pass through the structure as if it wasn’t there.

Ashley, Kansas was a farming community of about 700 souls. After earthquake investigators went to Ashley presumably to investigate any damage they were startled to find every single person had left the town. The was a fissure near the town which was rather large and smoking. Nobody was found in the town and neither were any animals. A few days later an aftershock hit the town and when the investigators went back the fissure was gone. Many witnesses reported they had seen a black opening in the sky. A police officer from a neighboring town reported when he headed toward the town of Ashley which was a straight run, he arrived back in his town. When more police were sent, they reported the same thing happening to them. More reports came in stating the town was bathed in darkness even though it was daylight. Many other strange things were reported and the very last call to come out of the town to the police was from a woman who said they came back and were in the fire. She said she saw her dead son who was burned walking down the street. She said everyone who died had come back. As the call was taking place, she screamed someone came into her house and the officer could hear someone saying mommy, mommy where are you hiding. Eventually there was a scream and noise and the line went dead.

There was a village in Ireland named Achill. It was on Achill Island and was established in 1838. Over forty families had homes there. They are all gone today leaving only foundations. There were other settlements on this island, but this is the one which disappeared. Interestingly the former residents had been described as primitive and backward by people who passed through. The village was near Keem Bay. An Irish newspaper said evidence has been found which shows the homes in that village had been purposely destroyed. Could it be the village was attacked by the other villages for some unknown reason? This might have been war on a miniature scale.

The most famous village or settlement to disappear in this country happened in 1587 when 115 people disappeared from Roanoke. The settlers had arrived from England and one of them, John White decided to return to England to get more supplies for the colony. When he returned, they were all gone and the only clue was the name Croatoan carved into a tree. White had been delayed getting back because of wars in Europe and was gone for years before returning. People have been trying to solve this mystery for hundreds of years.

Everyone in the village Hoer Verde in Brazil disappeared. I am talking about 600 people. In 1923 visitors entered the picturesque town and immediately noticed there was no one in it. Police investigated and noticed nothing was taken, not even food. The only clue was four words written on a blackboard in a school which red, “There is no salvation.” A gun was found and tests proved it had been fired the day before, but there was no sign of a struggle anywhere. It is said the village may have been the subject of a political evacuation.

Anjikuni Lake had been the home of a small Inuit village. The people there had been very friendly and trappers and such would visit them from time to time. In 1930 a fur trapper decided to make a stop there as he had done many times before, but this time things were different. When he got to the village it was empty. The trapper was Joe Labelle. What he found made no sense to him. Food was on some tables; everything was in order and even needles were in some clothing which was being sewn. He contacted the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but none of the villagers were ever found. Some people have claimed the story was false and the village never existed, but others say it did.

There is a village located on a small island named King Island. There are about 45 homes in the village but the place is completely empty. The island used to be inhabited by the Inupiat Eskimos, but not anymore. The village is named Ukivok. They are located on the side of a hill. The original population was said to number about 200. In 1970 the village was empty. It is believed the village was abandoned because the school had been closed in 1950, forcing the children to have to travel to the mainland to go to school. This left only the elderly on the island who were not able to take care of themselves so they left. This is only a theory.

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