Truth Facts





There are so many mysteries we don’t know the answers to. We can guess at some of them, but this is just pure speculation without evidence. Some of us just go through life without ever thinking about these mysteries which others might even devote their lives to trying to solve them. Throughout history mysteries have existed and while it is true, we have solved some of them, many more have come to our attention.

What the heck are people seeing when they claim to see a Bigfoot? It has gotten to the point where too many people have stated they saw one to just ignore the fact there might be something out there. This reminds me of the story where some hunters were in the wood a while back and heard strange sound they had never heard before. They were staying in a cabin and they started to hear rocks being thrown at the building and later foot steps on the porch. The next day one of the hunters took a board and pounded nails through it and placed it in front of the door. The next night they heard the sounds, tossed rocks and then when something got on to the porch and approached the door, they heard a loud scream and it ran away. They examined the board and there was blood and strange fur on it. What had they encountered? Was it a Bigfoot, a giant ape or could it have been a mutant bear?

What is going on in Iran. The Iranian air force has a number of American F-14 fighters left over from the last regime. These planes are still quite capable even though they are old. One day they encountered a UFO but the UFO was so fast they couldn’t get near it. It is suspected we have a drone or plane which is capable of flying in excess of Mach 10, which is ten times the speed of sound. Do we really have this advanced technology or was the craft a genuine UFO?

One of the greatest mysteries has to do with the universe we live in. There has been many theories over the years about how the universe formed and most scientists have settled on one called the Big Bang Theory which states a super-hot extremely dense object exploded about 13.8 billion years ago sending out material which formed the universe we have today. There is a problem however which cannot be solved. Assuming the Big Bang Theory is correct, what was there before the object? Along with this problem is another question. Does the universe go on forever or does it end somewhere and if it does, what else is out there? If we eventually did find something else would we be able to understand what it was?

One of the greatest ancient mysteries which I have mentioned before has to do with construction. How did the ancients move stones weighing hundreds or thousands of tons, stones which were so large and heavy we are not able to lift some of them today with our modern equipment? This has defied engineers and scientists for hundreds of years and adding to this mystery is a place in Florida which is named the Coral Castle which was built by one man who is deceased and huge heavy blocks of coral weighing many tons were used. To deepen the mystery, one night he moved the entire construction to a new location by himself.

Did Atlantis really exist and why are so many people consumed by trying to find its location. No hard evidence has ever been found to indicate it was real and yet it is one of the most sought after locations on the earth.

There is a mystery as to whether or not humans are native to this planet. When we look around we see animals which are perfectly suited to earth and yet we as humans seem to have come from somewhere else as evidenced by the fact so many of us have back problems like the gravity here is a little to strong for us and the birth process which seems to be much easier for animals causes severe pain to women and sometimes takes a long time for the birth to complete. We would probably have been far more comfortable living on Mars which has less gravity and that is why some people think we originally came from there. This would either mean we were able to get off a Mars like planet and come here or were moved here by some alien intelligence. Some even believe we came from the Garden of Eden. Taking things a step further some believe if we were native to earth, we would not get sunburn, or walk on two legs. It is also said our circadian rhythm is out of whack with the actual day-night cycle on Earth. The human race shows indications of being an invasive species, just look at the population numbers. When a new race is introduced into an environment, many times it takes over like we have.

One of the greatest mysteries is what happens to humans when they die. People have struggled with this forever. Religion usually tells us we go to heaven if we lived a good life, but there are many people who claim to have seen the spirits of deceased friends and relatives. There have been times when people have received phone calls from relatives and friends only to find out later these people had died days before.

The buzz. There are sounds heard all over the world which cannot be traced back to any source. These sounds are not heard by everyone in the area, usually by about ten percent of those who are living there, but these individuals are being tortured by these constant sounds. Science has yet to explain where any of them are emanating from or if even they are coming from the earth or some other source. Perhaps they are coming from a source in outer space.

The writings found on Easter Island have never been able to be decoded. An object named the Rongorongo contains glyphs all over it and has intrigued archaeologists for many years. It is thought these symbols might contain information about the large stone heads on the island or perhaps what happened to the race that disappeared from the island.

The earth is full of mysteries as is space. I believe we will never be able to solve them all, because as we do solve some others will appear to mystify us. I guess that is what makes life interesting.

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