Truth Facts



Disappearing and Appearing

Did you ever go to a place where you always kept something and it was no longer there and go around asking anyone in the home if they had used it? When the reply is no you can’t help but suspect you are not hearing the truth. What if you were though? Could an object disappear from where it was and then mysteriously reappear hours later in that spot without any human interference? Some people believe this is possible and claim they can prove it. We all know people and maybe ourselves who might have moved something and forgot. Some people just get too busy and are thinking of other things while they go around doing chores and such. There are also the elderly who may find they forget things.

Then there are the times when it happens and there are witnesses. Let me give you a true case. It happened in my house. My granddaughter plugged her phone into a charger in my kitchen. Later she came back and took the phone but left the wire plugged in. None of us went into the kitchen after that and sometime later she went back for the wire but it was gone. We tore the house up looking for it even though we knew no one had gone into the kitchen after she left the wire plugged in. We never found it.

When this happens, it is called Disappearing Object Phenomenon and it happens to people all over the world. Many times, there is a twist to it. The object which disappeared and could not be found turns back up in its original location. This has been one of the basis for the theory we are all living in a computer generated world. The people who believe this use this as one of the pieces of evidence. Their argument is computer programs have bugs and the one we live in is no exception.

A woman dropped her ring and it hit the floor with a clunk. When she went to pick it up, she couldn’t find it. She got help looking for it but to no avail. The next thing she did was tear the room apart and remove every stick of furniture after examining it all. She picked up the rug after carefully examining it for the ring and was left with only the hard wood floors. She and her helpers went around the entire room looking for the ring, but never found it. Over the following years she had a couple of more rings drop and they all disappeared even though she had seen where one had gotten to. When she went to pick that one up, it disappeared.

This phenomenon has been investigated for years and some investigators have come to the conclusion there are some cases which just cannot be explained. The problem checking out stories like this is we are all only human and many of us under certain circumstances could forget what we did with something, but some cases were so air tight this could not have been the case.

The head from a Norelco electric shaver fell on the floor at the feet of the person holding the shaver. When he went to pick it up it was no where in sight. He called for help in the search and his son-in-law came into the room and began to help in the search. They searched for a long time but the head of the razor was no where to be found. It was unbelievable. Several months went by and the person who had owned the razor sat in a chair right next to the spot where the razor head had fell and looked down for some reason. Incredibly there was the razor head sitting on the floor. It was in an area which had been searched tirelessly.

Yes, sometimes as I said these objects turn up again and in certain situations like the one I described, seem to be subject to other forces. I am not saying they are paranormal events, alien tricks or anything like that, I am just saying some of us may be subject to some unusual events which seem to defy explanation. Researchers have said they believe over half the population have experienced events where they lost something in a small area and never could find it again or it turned up weeks, months or even years later in that exact area, or maybe never turned up.

Could it be the lost object never went anywhere and for some reason we lost the ability to detect it? Could it have changed its composition? While this does sound nuts, is it any crazier than dropping something at your feet only to have it disappear? Others think it might be possible our lost objects somehow entered a vortex or time hole and were transported to some other time period and maybe even some other place. There are quite a few reports by people who claim this happened to them.

Could there be larger objects which have disappeared over the years because they just vanished? Let’s talk about objects in space. Scientists claim about 70 years ago there were about 100 red objects they were observing in space, but over the years they all vanished. There are plenty of theories about this. One states they were lasers used by aliens and they were turned off. Another theory is they were collapsed stars that just became a black hole without any explosion. Nobody really knows.

A lot of people go missing every year all over the world. For most of them there is a reason, but there are some who seem to have just disappeared off the face of the planet. They walk out of their homes and are never seen again. This brings me back to the story of a farmer who was walking across a field while his family were watching him. It was in the 1800s. As the family watched him walking toward them, he disappeared and they never saw him again. In the 20th century a man was hit by a car after onlookers said he just appeared in the middle of the road. He was killed. Police noticed he was wearing antique clothing with labels of stores which no longer existed. When they went through his pockets the latest date on his coins was almost a hundred years ago and his paper money was very different from what was in circulation at the time. When they checked his identification they were able to pinpoint him as being a farmer who had disappeared those many years ago and they just couldn’t explain what happened.

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