Truth Facts



Glimpsing and Seeing Strange Things

Sometimes, things are seen which puzzle people. This can happen almost anywhere. You glimpse a figure out of the side of your eye but when you turn around to look, nothing is there. The first thing people assume is you have a problem when this happens and the medical profession will be glad to treat you for an anxiety disorder. Could this mean something else, such as you might have some type of insight most people don’t have? We know mental illness can appear in people but that does not account for all the people this happens to. A person can be perfectly sane and think they saw something for a second which they couldn’t see again. There can be a couple of reasons for this. One is it probably happens more to people who wear glasses. Reflections from television shows can cause this. Another reason this can happen to anybody is caused by something like an object in the home which our brains interpret as something else. People on drugs often see things that are not there. Then there is the mysterious other reason, a reason many might laugh at. It states there really might be something there and just for a second, somehow, we see it. It might be we glimpsed in another dimension, saw a spirit, or maybe those elusive aliens which some think have been watching us got revealed for a second.

One story I talked about before is worth mentioning again. A woman was traveling on a New York subway. This was when they were a lot safer. She saw something strange out of the corner of her eye and turned to look and saw an extraterrestrial sitting in a seat reading the paper and no one else noticed. It was as if he had some sort of mental block on his appearance and she was able to break through it. She wasted no time getting off at the next station.

Unfortunately for some they may never know if they saw something real because the medical profession has convinced many of them there was actually nothing there. The doctors may be right for some, but this affects all who have seen strange things whether they go to a doctor for it or not. Perfectly sane individuals begin to think something is wrong with them, which is a shame.

It was announced NASA’s Parker Solar Probe saw something on Venus which should not have been there. I guess it is not only humans who see strange things. The probe photographed Venus and not only picked up a bright circle around the planet, but a very dark area on the planet the size of Africa. When they measured the temperature in that area it was only 85 degrees and much cooler than the rest of the planet. Why? There is no answer about this yet. The area is named Aphrodite Terra.

There are a lot of stories from paranormal investigators about getting a glimpse of a spirt which disappeared almost immediately. Some very normal people who have nothing to do with the paranormal have claimed to see these things too.

Even some former astronauts think the earth has alien residents here unbeknown to us. Many times, there were reports of alien contact made where humans were paralyzed just by alien mind control. If this is true and extraterrestrials could do this using only their mind, they probably would find disguising themselves to make us think they were human a fairly easy thing to do. Of course,  there is the chance an alien race might look like us and if that is true, they certainly would not even need a disguise. It just so happens it is claimed there is a race of tall blond aliens which look exactly like humans. They are claimed to be the Nordic aliens. It is claimed not only does the government know they are here, but they have a base on which some U.S. military are stationed.

There are also some people who have not only glimpsed something, but also heard a sound at the same time. This makes the short sighting much harder to discount. Some of these sightings are being blamed on lack of sleep. One thing is for sure there are plenty of excuses to go around for anything we say we saw. When the astronauts went to the moon, one of them claimed to see a light coming out of a crater. He was not the only one to see it. After that, we never heard much about that anymore. He wasn’t seeing things because it was verified by other astronauts. Was there life on the moon or were aliens using an underground base? How about this idea, was the U.S. military already on the moon secretly?

One person reported they kept catching a glimpse of something out of the corner of their eye. A couple of times they were able to get a good look at it for a little longer. They claimed they were seeing a spirit. There is a theory which states there are different dimensions and sometimes they touch for a very brief moment and during that time we can see other beings. A second theory states we live in the same space as other dimensions which we cannot see except for occasional brief glimpses. We are finding out some parts of science are very weird not only to us but to some scientists. Quantum physics and string theory for example. Very strange things happen in quantum physics such as the results of an experiment changing if the experiment is being watched as it is performed or not. Just the act of watching has an effect. This is so weird it can’t be explained, except by maybe our brains are sending out a signal and if we are too close to the experiment that signal is just powerful enough to change the results.

I have talked about objects appearing and disappearing before. You would be surprised at how many people have experienced this. It is a lot more common than one would expect. A lot of people get very upset when they have an instance of placing something down somewhere and no one else goes there and when they go back to get the object it disappears. This gets even weirder when the missing object appears in the correct place many years later.

Are there some humans who actually see things which many of us can’t but have only got a glimpse of them? It certainly seems that way.

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