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Another Man Claims to Be A Time Traveler

I am about to tell you a very strange tale. There have been a few people who have claimed to be time travelers. Quite frankly, even though some people took them seriously, most who heard their story thought it was baloney. Now there is a young man who not only claims to be a time traveler, but he took a polygraph test to prove he was telling the truth and the test verified he was. He didn’t want to give his real name and this guy states he came from the future, but only a few years ahead. He claims to be from 2021. He said, "It is not my intent to deceive anybody. My sole objective is to prove to you that time travel exists in the next few years." Could it be possible we will have time travel in the future? I know I have never believed anyone could accomplish time travel so it would take an awful lot to convince me of this, but back to our friend.

Our declared time traveler said we have actually had time travel since 2003, but it has been kept secret. When he told people what 2021 was like it wasn’t much different than what things are like today. His statement was basically much of what we have today is being improved. I guess if we are talking about only a couple of years in the future this is possible. One thing he said was President Trump will be reelected. He also said virtual reality has become popular. He made a video in which he disguised his face and voice, supposedly to protect himself from the organization which uses time travel. I have to ask the question, if he was a time traveler what good would this do since all the people who were handling time travel could go to the moments where he is creating the recording to see who he is? If I was a time traveler and wanted to make a statement I would have to figure there is no sense disguising myself.

The idea time travel exists already is probably based on the fact there has been many rumors the government had hired physicists and other scientists to examine the possibility and have investigated German inventions which people claim were used for experiment on time travel. It was suspected the Philadelphia Experiment was a time travel experiment, but this has been denied by the government. The story states a ship was wrapped in coils and disappeared when power was applied. It was said to reappear some time later with some of the crew fused into the ships hull. The government was accused of conducting other time travel experiments known as the Montauk Experiments. These experiments were conducted at Montauk Point on Long Island, NY. They were two-pronged, one prong was experiments in mind control and the other prong was time travel experiments. While there were some people who claimed the experiments on time travel were successful, many say they were not. Today the area which was know as Camp Hero has been buried and fences keep people out.

There have been quite a few photos of people who seem to be doing things out of place for their time or carrying and using devices which are also said to have not been invented yet. I have looked at some of this stuff and a good portion of it is ridiculous. The most ridiculous one comes from the old movie named Fort Apache made in 1948. It is often cited by those who believe in time travel as proof. There is a scene where Henry Fonda is riding in a stagecoach and has something in his hand which he is looking at. Yeah like Henry Fonda was a time traveler, put a futuristic device in his hand when the movie was being shot and no one noticed. Give me a break. He is looking at what seems like a small diary to me, but our time travel friends think it might be a cell phone. I have never seen a legitimate photo proving anyone in them was a time traveler, even though there must be at least 20 photos and movie stills around where people claim they show time travelers. One of the problems is misidentification of what they are doing or carrying.

What about the lie detector test which was said to prove our time traveler friend was really a time traveler. There are all sorts of problems with this. It was not conducted in front of anyone, because the interview was on video and we never even see the polygraph. Another problem is polygraphs only register lies and if someone has a mental illness or truly believes he is a time traveler even though he is not, the machine will not register a lie. The third problem is polygraphs can be beat.

Does any of this mean time travel is impossible? Even though I don’t believe in it there are many stories which indicate there are vortexes which occur naturally which might be capable of moving people in time. There are quite a few people who claim to have found themselves in different time periods after walking through some invisible portal. One famous story occurred around Versailles. It is known as the Versailles Time Slip where two ladies who were touring Versailles in 1901 found themselves swept into the area during the time of Marie Antoinette and wrote a book about this. Apparently, they retraced their steps and were able to get back according to them.