Truth Facts




Strange and Unsettling Things Which Have Been Seen

There are some strange things in life that one cannot deny. Sometimes they are very simple things, but sometimes they are very complicated. One of the things I have seen was a large full tree bordering a cemetery. One side of the tree which faces the outside of the cemetery is lush and green, while the other side which faces the inside of the cemetery is dead. What could be more appropriate than that?

One young woman booked a flight on a plane. Many of us have done this ourselves. We usually get on a plane and it is jammed full of people some of whom like to put their seats back and crushed the people behind them. This young lady went to the airport, got on the plane and somehow, she was the only passenger on the flight. What happened was she was accidentally booked on a flight where the crew was moving an empty plane to another city.

One young man was celebrating his birthday. Somebody in his family probably decided to take his photo. We have seen many times before when photos are taken there are things in the background which are not noticed at the time of the photo. Many times, this happens with UFOs in the background. When a  photo is taken and people review it, they discover a UFO. This case was a little different. When the photo was taken nobody noticed there was a man off to the side walking away, who was having his pocket picked. You couldn’t see who was doing the dirty deed, but you could see an arm with a hand in the man’s pocket.

Many strange things are seen. A nurse reported she was heading to a home which was really off the beaten track, she was to check out an old man. When she got into the home, she found the man was lying in a box. She asked the relatives what was going on with the box and they told her it was a sort of pre-coffin since the old man was on his last legs so the undertaker could take the man out of the house in the box. Can you imagine how this old man must have felt?

One guy was driving along on the road when he saw something which he couldn’t believe. A vehicle was made to look like a horse pulling a chariot in two people are in the chariot, one driver and one passenger. Another guy saw something that really took him back. It was a hearse pulling a wood chipper. You have to admit this  gives people a lot of bad thoughts. Another person saw something which probably upset them. As they were driving along a busy road a SUV pulled in front of them and hanging off of the roof rack on the back of the car was the upper half of a zombie.

Some of the things people have seen are disturbing in different ways, take for example the lady who got on the subway and sat a large green doll next to her. The doll was made to look like a horrible monster baby with human features. No doubt she drew a lot of attention.

One person could not believe what they were seeing on the subway either. What is one of the last things you would ever expect to see on the subway even though there are crazy things seen there all the time? If you said a shark you would be correct. Sticking out from one of the seats was a small shark which somebody must have forgotten. Needless to say, the shark was not alive anymore.

A woman was cleaning out her husband’s car, when she found something she couldn’t believe. She had found a flipchart. It had an assortment of obscene language on it. The husband would use it along with a flashing light to curse women drivers he thought were not driving in a safe manner.

While a person was taking photos of the sky, they came across an unbelievable cloud formation which looked exactly like a horse prancing. They took a photo of it to preserve it for posterity. It is said if you look at clouds long enough you will see a lot of very unusual shapes, but the shape on the photo I am  telling you about shows a perfect horse with incredible detail.

A beach in South Carolina has had many cannonballs appear on it. Apparently, hurricane Matthew was the cause of this. The cannonballs are actually from the Civil War. It has been said, despite their age some of them may be dangerous. You may wonder why they are said to be dangerous. It is because some cannonballs which were used in the American Civil War were exploding cannonballs.

Walmart sometimes gets a bad reputation because of what some customers do. One person reported he was shopping in the store, and when he reached a certain point there was a man trying on deodorant and then putting the deodorant back on the shelf. It’s people like this who selfishly have no regard for anyone else.

One person said he was in the gym. He couldn’t help but overhear a conversation which was going on behind him. It was two men complementing each other. Once said you’re the best looking guy in the place and the other said no you are the best looking guy in a place. The person heard this turned around and was shocked to see the two people were identical twins.

I remember when I was a lot younger, as a matter of fact only about nineteen years old and working in the post office. I was selling stamps and ran out of stamps and went  into the supervisor’s office to get more. Little did I know the supervisor was having his way with one of the women on his desk. It is in times like this you have to keep your cool. I turned around to walk out while all the while he was screaming at me as if I had done anything wrong.

One day many years ago I was watching a television program which unlike today, was live. It was an interview program featuring an actor who was just sitting on a regular wooden kitchen chair. As he was answering questions, he would push the chair backup on the two legs and then slowly let the chair back down. As I watched he pushed the chair upon its back legs one more time and the chair fell over with him on it. The funny part was the host jumped up was trying to help him get up and it looked just like a comical seen out of the Three Stooges. Live television was great because you never knew what might happen.

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