Truth Facts



Strange Things People Have Seen

Two people were in a room. Both were watching television. One of the people caught something out of the side of his eye. He thought it was the bottom half of a person dancing. He dismissed it as a reflection from the television. He couldn’t resist asking the second person if they saw anything and that person surprised him by replying he did. He went on to say he saw the bottom half of a person dancing.

A witness from Alabama had a strange story to tell. They insisted they saw a huge reptile flying in the sky. When they were asked what it looked like they gave a perfect description of an extinct Pterodactyl. What is interesting about this is over the last 150 years or so there have been reports of Pterodactyls being seen and even a photo put on the internet a few years ago showing one being shot in the late 19th century. Could there still be a few of these things around?

One of the strangest sights has to be what has become known as the miracle of Fatima in Portugal. The year was 1917 and about 70,000 people had gathered to see the Virgin Mary appear but only three children said they saw her. The rest said they saw the sun descend, come close, then go back up in the sky. How does one explain how so many people could have all seen the sun do this? There might only be one way and that is it was a true miracle.

A nurse on the night shift claimed to see a shadowy human figure go across the hall where she was stationed. It was the middle of the night. She got up and walked to that area but there was nothing there. Later on, she found out a patient had died at the same time. In discussing this with other nurses some claimed they had seen similar things when people died.

Flying humanoids have been reported by a few witnesses lately. There have even been photos taken of them. Unfortunately, there are no closeups. It is hard to ignore these sightings because lately too many people have seen them. It seems Mexico has the most sightings of this type.

Disney may have a problem. Witnesses have observed people bringing the cremated remains of their friends and relatives and dumping them in The Haunted Mansion. Disney is not happy about this practice because they have to vacuum them up all the time. It does make me wonder why people would do this.

There have been plenty of people looking at the photos of Mars which are coming from NASA. Many things have been seen by lots of people such as a statue, face and other things. As these things are released there are all sorts of excuses by NASA for why they are not what they look like. Could every single one of the hundreds of photos showing things which are recognized by us all be wrong?

In 1812 there were some really violent earthquakes in New Madrid, Missouri. This event has been lost to history but at the time it was happening many people had reported seeing orbs in the sky. People at the time thought the world was ending and it was said the earth was moving in waves like the waves on water.

One witness claims he was in a car with a relative. The relative was driving and while driving down the road he ran over and killed what can only be called a creature. He said it was between 6 and 7 feet tall and completely covered with hair. Could the car have run over a Big Foot? The creature was taken away and nothing was heard about it again.

A group of campers had a very strange story to tell. They claimed they all witnessed it. One camper said his group was attacked by a bunch of large, hairy, dog-like creatures. Not dogs or wolves.

A pilot reported seeing a very strange sight. As he was flying, he looked down and saw a harvester machine running over a car. People had jumped out and were running all around the machine.

There are a lot of strange things to see out there and plenty of people have seen some of them. The other day, as I was writing this article there was a lot of people who pulled to the side of the road to view a UFO which was said to be hovering. Usually when something like this happens a lot of excuses for what was seen are made, but this time I think the excuse could be correct. It was said the Goodyear blimp was in the area and this is what people saw. They described the object has saucer shaped with a blinking light under it. You are probably thinking how can a blimp look like a flying saucer or UFO? This is a good question and I was also thinking the same thing in the beginning, then I realized if you look at it from a distance and from the side, it could be mistaken for a circular object and it does have a light under it which blinks and was the same color. I believe this was the blimp.

When people travel across the country they sometimes come across some very strange objects. An example of this is an object on display in Cawker City, Kansas. It is a ball of string, not just any ball of string, but the biggest in the world. The ball of string weighs 14687 pounds and has a circumference of 49 feet 3 inches. I wouldn’t want to be tied down by this exhibit, sorry I couldn’t resist it.

Ben and Jerry discontinue ice cream flavors from time to time. They probably do it more than any other ice cream company since their flavors seem to be more unusual than what is created by the rest of the companies. Ben and Jerry call these flavors the dearly de-pinted and had put an on line cemetery for the flavors online, but that was not good enough in their eyes, so they created a real graveyard for them. Some of the de-pinted flavors are Schweddy Balls, Wavy Gravy, Fossil Fuel, Turtle Soup, Vermonty Python, and This is Nuts. Each flavor has its on headstone. The headstones have simple poems on them about the flavors and the date they were discontinued. The graveyard is surrounded by a white picket fence and many people have seen it.

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